Hello Loves!!
It's the first day of May! Time is surely passing by quickly. Until I manage getting my life together, I haven't made a lot of time for learning how to use the remote or tripod that came with my camera. I haven't been blessed with someone who willingly jumps at being my photographer, so I will have to learn soon!
I thought I'd share some pics from my daily work wear that were added to my Instagram page. If your on Instagram feel free to follow me @asouthernchicchick.
Even though I've had a rough month personally, I have been blessed with a few fascinating career opportunities. In the end, everything happens for a reason. Me being the stubborn Aquarius I am; doesn't really believe that, but I'm going to go with it and not try to control situations that are out of my hand.
One more day until Friday!!
Talk Soon
Cute looks :)